Thursday, 10 November 2011


Truth be told I don think any human being would be content with what they have or need..there is always going to be something else they aching for or just something else they want . Nothing will ever be enough. 'Contentment' can it be misinterpreted to settling? Just the other day in a conversation with my fiancee, as an assurance to him after having a disagreement, I told him that am content with what we have. Somehow he interpreted this to mean that I was settling and he wasn't for that.

What I meant was that am satisfied to all my hearts desire and that I was very happy with us and wouldn't ask for anything else. Many of the times I have notice people when they reach their set of goals be it monetary or where they see themselves in their future, they don't sit back to appreciate their achievements, don't get me wrong am not saying don't set goals..I too have goals. All am saying or what I keep telling myself now and again, never to find myself frustrating over what I don't have or what I admire from the next person (frustrations will just weigh you down) but instead being content with what I have, not setting limits for myself..No! to me I interpret Content as being Happy with what I have..I still have goals but am happy with now!!

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